Courtesy of mas Lutfi/Espos
Solemn funeral
Aroused by tremor which shocked Java early in the fresh morning, took more than 5,400 casualties. Families who lost their relatives, try to burried the corpse as soon as possible, using all apparatus easily found.
The pieces of kafan sheet which should be covering the dead body of muslims, couldn’t easily found either nor the water to shower them for the last time. But I’m sure God already widely open His arms to embrace them in purity.
This picture took few hours after the earthquake in Wedi, Klaten
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
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Dewi, Thanks for the update of this sad story. My heart is heavy with sadness for so much tragedy. I pray that you and your loved ones remain safe. I also hope that the volcano which is so near you does not erupt and that the earthquakes stop.
Hello dewi, this leaves me speechless and I can only hope that help for the people of Indonesia will be on its way quickly. My condolences to all who have suffered losses. Take care and keep well.
Insya Allah kami yg di jakarta membantu sebisa kami walopun jarak kita jauh. Selain dgn materi, Insya Allah jg dgn doa utk semua sodara2 kita di sana, aamiin
Semoga Dewi dan keluarga baik2 saja, salam sayang utk semua sodara di jogja dan sekitarnya..
We are one
belakangan, merapi aktif lagi. duh.... semoga kalaupun meletus, tidak berdampak parah. amin.
bos, ente kalo di rumah jam berapa? opo preine kapan? mo nganter dvd.
kok aku dadi penasaran sama critane? tak tonton sik yo!
Sewaktu kirim bantuan di Bantul Sabtu itu juga ,yg gw kwatirkan kalau hujan.Eh malahan malemnya kejadian,di Klaten malah hujan Es.
Gw jadi inget lagi waktu jadi relawan di Aceh.
Dew,duh bisa bayangkan deh gimana sedihnya si ibu yang anak umur 4 tahun meninggal dalam pelukannya, duh aku ikut sedih membayangkannya, semoga Allah memberi ketabahan buat mereka ya.
may Allah forgives victims and strengthen survivors. be strong we are always with you.
how things going there?
Ass, Dew piye kabare?
Dearest Dewi,
I hope all is well. Please post when you can...or send me an email.
Ummi kangen, apa kbr Dew?
Mau puasa nih, maafin Ummi yaa, banyak banget salah nih Ummi.
Semoga puasa kita bisa lancar, aamiin
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