Saturday, May 27, 2006

Dear God.....

Dear God………………..
This morning you remind us of your power again, force us to admitt of how helpless we are. Today, we lost our relatives, friends, neighbors and people we know. This morning we’ve experience tremor, perhaps it’s just one of your tiny tremor, but it already take more than 2.000 life’s away.
This morning, we saw weeping mother who lost her 4 years old child in her arms. This morning we saw, families shed gallons of tears of losing everyone they loved.
God…do forgive us.


Stephen Newton said...

Dewi, I am very worried about you and so sorry to hear about the earthquake and the loss of so many people. I am praying that you remain safe and well.

Please take care and stay in touch so that we will know you are OK.

Anonymous said...

Hello dewi, I mirror Stephen's sentiment above and can only hope that the people of Indonesia will pull through this tragedy. I especially loved your previous post and can fully understand the reasoning of Yukiyo.

Keep well...

keda said...

dewi. words are never enough, but i am so sorry for your loss. and for all of those around you. our thoughts and prayers are with you.
as stephen said, we pray too that you remain safe and well.

Lili said...

Innalillahi Wainna ilaihi rojiun

Berduka dari lubuk hati yg paling dalam, semoga ada hikmah yg bisa kita petik dari musibah ini

Take care ya mbak Dewi, salam sayang utk semua keluarga di jogja dan di Solo