Friday, November 11, 2005


Within the whole month of last Ramadhan, I try to figure out the meaning of this sole word, sincerity. I try to close my eyes from worldly desire, slice by slice as righteous man advice. But this word keep bothering my head, sincerity…, what if somehow I expect something from this world for my action? Then, all deeds that have done already blemish with worldly expectation. If there’s no sincerity in my action, would it be worthy?.
A friend, came to ask forgiveness one day. Ask me to forget a spot which I couldn’t even recall until the day he reminds me of it. This trembling lips never guessed, that my forgiveness would be worthy for someone else, then I easily said “I’ve forgotten since long time,” But after he left, this heart keep on tracking what exactly he has done to me back days. And this act caught me in the middle of ambiguity, whether I sincerely forgive him or capturing the feeling of regret. Sometimes, this mouth easily mentioned sweet words just to get people appreciation, while this heart still grumbling with the opposite.
This temporary objective already create a war inside heart, and bring nothing but diminish sincerity which should be lay down as a base. How could I ever able to change this ragged clothes covering my heart with something pure and honest. While it still arguing something which should be entomb from the beginning.
This alert mind keep on pronouncing, losing a friend will become a misfortune, not only while we lived but after that too. It’s always feel better to let it go and leave it all behind, and I do hope this feeling will eventually last forever. In my previous post, I write if a friend done a mistake just write it down on the sand, so the wind will easily erase them. It is weird, that today I write something expressing the opposite. But sometimes, this matter indeed pass us by within our days, and I prefer keep trying to write it down on the sand to find out the true meaning of sincerity one day.


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Stephen Newton said...

Welcome back dearest Dewi and thank you for another thought provoking post. I, too, will contemplate your question about sincerity and do my best to comment.

Stephen Newton said...

By the way, I see you are receiving "comment spam". If you activate "word verification" it will eliminate it.

Stephen Newton said...

I noticed that all the links to friends on your blog don't work. Is it me or are the links broken?

Anonymous said...

whoa girl.... you have bunch of spams here....

i could only say that we're only human... these things will come into our life 1 way or another... it IS hard to be 100% sincere all the time 'cuz we're sometimes trapped into some complicated or weird situation that prevents us to do so.... however, it's always good to always try your best....

you can forgive OR forget... BUT i've learnt (and i might be still wrong) that they both are 2 completely different things... forget is something you don't intend to do 'cuz you can't tell yourself i wanna forget this :) forgive is something you, with your conscious mind, do. however, there're many times you forgive BUT you can't forget. and it's very normal and very human. the only way you can make peace within yourself is IF you forgive the person wholeheartedly... or sincerely ;)

Anonymous said...

Good grief, 3 spams from the same splogger? Maybe she was trying to be sincere. (I know, I know, stupid joke).

Dewi, thank you for another post to ponder. I now have you as a subscription on my Bloglines account. I can't believe how much easier it is to keep up with updates! Have a beautiful weekend. :-)

Michael, Ryan , Emily's Mommy said...

Dew, maaf kalau aku jarang sekali kesini, selain kadang computernya error( karena laptopnya rusak ), dan juga karena kesibukan ngurus kurcaci kurcaci cilikku.
Aku sudah Minta maaf lahir batin belum ya? kalau belum maafin aku ya sebelum terlambat dan habis masa Iedul fitrinya.

Michael dan Ryan lagi beradaptasi sama musim dingin lagi nih tante, terutama Ryan yang lahir musim panas, kulitnya cepat kering dan ingusan terus nih, tapi mudah mudahan dia jadi terbiasa. Seperti halnya Michael yang tahan banget sama dingin, meski kita sudah kedinginan kalau malam hari, dia tetap tendang selimutnya nggak mau diselimutin. Ntar deh cerita lagi kalau aku sudah ada waktu dan semangat buat cerita.. makasih sudah mampir ya Dew

Anonymous said...

IMHO, when you help someone, write his/her name on a sand, but if you're helped by someone, write his/her name on the stone so that you can always remember that the person has helped you.

But now that you tried to remember what that person has done (mistake) after s/he apologised, you'd not remember it, just forget and everything's gonna be okay ;)

again, this is IHMO only hehe

Anonymous said...

Hi Dewi,
Maddie loves to be on anyone's wallpaper, and we don't mind at all! :-) Anyway, I justed wanted to thank you for that great comment about the salak/salacca. Fruit-bat? Gosh, I'd probably want to be called that too as I adore all kinds of fruits, especially exotic ones. I found one company in Italy that carries them... I think. It was on their online list of fruit, but I'll have to call or visit to see if they bring it from Asia often. I really would prefer to grow a tree though. It would be just too cool to have snake fruit in my garden!

funeno said...

sincerity, deep down word. thanks to dig it out. it reminds us to try and try doing it.

Lili said...

Panteslah Rasullulah dibilang manusia nyaris sempurna, bahkan penulis non muslim pun menduduki beliau sebagai the number one the bukunya sebagai nomor satu pemimpin dunia.

Beliau sudah pada taraf yg kita inginkan sama2 yah Dew, terima kasih sudah mengingatkan dan sharing sama kita2.

Apa kabar nih Solo, apakah hujan terus mengguyur kota Bengawan?

Lili said...

Panteslah Rasullulah dibilang manusia nyaris sempurna, bahkan penulis non muslim pun menduduki beliau sebagai the number one the bukunya sebagai nomor satu pemimpin dunia.

Beliau sudah pada taraf yg kita inginkan sama2 yah Dew, terima kasih sudah mengingatkan dan sharing sama kita2.

Apa kabar nih Solo, apakah hujan terus mengguyur kota Bengawan?

Lili said...

Panteslah Rasullulah dibilang manusia nyaris sempurna, bahkan penulis non muslim pun menduduki beliau sebagai the number one the bukunya sebagai nomor satu pemimpin dunia.

Beliau sudah pada taraf yg kita inginkan sama2 yah Dew, terima kasih sudah mengingatkan dan sharing sama kita2.

Apa kabar nih Solo, apakah hujan terus mengguyur kota Bengawan?

Stephen Newton said...

I am glad that you also drink FRESH orange juice and you're correct, I have never seen anyone preparing fresh juice on TV or the movies (unless it was a commmercial for store-bought juice).

I agree that when we reach our dreams, we don't always remember the hard work to make them happen. For me the journey is better than the destination.

Michael, Ryan , Emily's Mommy said...

How are you Tante Dewi, kami disini sehat sehat saja, maaf mama jarang banget berkunjung kesini,soalnya Michael dan Ryan sudah buat mama capekkkk.. tapi mama happy kok. Semoga Tante Dewi selalu sehat dan bahagia juga

Lili said...

just wanna say, apa kabar bu?

Anonymous said...

Seasons greetings also to you dewi!! And I'm hoping that you'll write another post again soon. :-)

Anonymous said...

happy new year, girl :)

Anonymous said...

Season's greetings to you too Dewi. It should be a great year, especially for Maddie! Welcome the Year of the Dog!

Stephen Newton said...

PLEASE POST SOMETHING, ANYTHING! I want to know you are still there. I miss your wonderful writing.


Stephen Newton said...

Dewi, you are tagged to name five things people consider weird about you, then tag five other bloggers to do the same.