A dark clouds have been decorating the offing lately, my eyes catch them from the shore were I put my feet on. Clouds of sadness of losing more than one friend in a time, and it gets darker when it comes to revealed deepest fear of how fragile we are. But we don’t live a day with may be and what if, since the sunlight still shine no matter how huge our hesitation about it. We did move on, and this always mean forward, cause there’s no step back allowed within our days. We already enjoy the lack of knowledge about tomorrow as a part of a challenge facing this life. The uncertainty becomes dearest friend when we talk about next days to follow. And that’s what I learn from scenes of life captured within this few days, weeks, months..
Yesterday, I’m being asked why I thought Indiana Jones is some kind of hero to me. Perhaps my answer little bit odd, since I always think this characters is truly unique and electrifying. I never dreamt about super hero rescuing my days, I just wondering how an ordinary man able to think and use all effort he had to help others and somehow…just save the world. I like Indiana Jones, since he’s just an ordinary man, flesh and blood, doesn’t have any super power, wings to fly, high tech gadgets, he’s just a typical of man who adores creativity.
And above all, Indiana Jones also live with uncertainty, bleed, scratch, and suffer as I do. One thing that I always capture from this movie is that life is an adventure, the uncertainty create challenges, and this is our call to sharpen each tiny competence inside us become a great power. That’s why I like this tagline, "If adventure has a name, it must be Indiana Jones". Though it’s just a movie, but this character make me think try to act and resolve like him.
Few months ago, I almost give up when my research come to nowhere end, daily work create tons of pressure, and the most unbelievable condition is I have to revealed stinky reality that in this world have a disease called "Middle Age Crisis". I have to fight for my own dignity in a place where I should be highly respected, though the consequences little bit hard but thank God, I survive. For once in my life, I begin to think that marital status indeed have a great meaning for woman in this country, since "single status" create somekind of visible invitation stitch upon our forehead. And this "Middle Age Crisis" almost become a pandemic within this environment, which really need to be erased. This unpleasant case already create a disturbance, but won't affect me on my own principles. I’m not naïve young girl who got easily manipulated, I begin to think like Indiana Jones, I believe I should fight till the last blood if I have to. If I win, I’ll walk proudly free, but if I lost…I’d rather find a better place to stay. And I did win. With the spirit of Indiana Jones, and the light from above I’m able to change uncertainty into a fun adventure with full of challenge.
Step by step….I saw the light knocking on my doors, to inform the dark clouds already gone. Though the offing isn’t always mine, but the colors I want to see is truly depend on me. I’m sure my horizons create amusing colors since I’ve passed one test and waiting for another...
Sunday, January 29, 2006
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yup, udah beberapa kali kamu mengalami, dan beberapa kali pula kamu bisa survive. salut!!!!
kalo gak bisa survive, bukan INDIana jones, namanya !!!
eh, lama gak dolan, kemarin gak sengaja lewat depan rumahmu, ku melihat, ada tenda biru.....(piye to ki, malah nyanyi). maksudnya, pas lewat depan rumahmu beberapa hari lalu, pemandangannya kok udah lain, yak! hutan dimana dulu vino berkeliaran udah gundul....kekekekekeke
If adventure has a name, it must be Harrison Ford :)
It is wonderful to hear from you again. It sounds like you have been having some difficulties lately. I was struck by your comment: "For once in my life, I begin to think that marital status indeed have a great meaning for woman in this country, since "single status" create some kind of visible invitation stitch upon our forehead."
I have been wondering if it is difficult to be a single woman with a career in Indonesia, where the culture believes that women should stay at home. I am proud of you for not giving up, and for claiming your right to be an individual that does not follow the crowd.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about Indiana Jones. I completely understand how you must feel. It does help to have heroes to look up to and emulate. Every act of individual expression is an act of heroism.
Thank you for being YOU.
Here is the correct link to my blog:
Tapi Indi punya cambuk loh..he.he..
About tenda biru yg Irfan bicarakan, jadi udah akad atau masih lamaran? Kalau begitu Congrats deh yah utk Dewi. Barakallahu Fikum.
Cuman satu ajah, selain Indi it's our "HERO", mudah2an sikap keseharian Rasul jg menjadi panutan kita berdua yah, aamiin
hero? I wish I have one hehe.. but in the small scale, I have a lot of heroes. including your blog when I get bored of something and laugh because of it. btw, Rasul is my idol ;p
walah, juragane ngambek maneh iki, ra tau ngapdet blog.....
say, ente kemana sih, kagak pernah nongol? mentang2 udah di harian. kangen, nih. wedangan yuk, di dekat rumah....kekekekekekekeke
I just heard that Harrison Ford is going to make another Indiana Jones movie!
Also, did you know that our friend Rowena (Rubber Slippers in Italy) lost her mother recently and went back to Hawaii for the funeral?
Lili gave me an update. Congratulations on your upcoming marraige! That's wonderful news. Also, I am glad you are nearly finished with your thesis.
I hope you will post again soon!
Dewi, apakabar, sorry aku sibuk berat jadi jarang banget bisa baca blog teman teman satu satu.
I wish you doing fine there.
aku baru isi dan belum baca keseluruhannya.. ntar aku baca dulu ya
mau married ya? wah selamat dan semoga ada cerita menarik deh ntarnya. Ikut berbahagia
dewi, duh lama gak ketemu nih. lagi sibuk ya jarang apdet. padahal pingin baca tulisan2mu lagi. jadi salah kabar nih critanya, bukan dewi yang ini yang akan menikah? :D aku ikut doain deh, segera menemukan Mr Right! :)
Yeah sama, Qee juga berbincang sama semua makhluk, semua benda. Yang hidup dan yang mati. As we know, they have soul that can answer as though not by words.
say, where are you now, kok gak pernah update.....kekekekeke
opo password-e lali? hihihihi. udah dapat kucing, wi? (manggil dewi, ngikut yang lain)
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